
Cocktail bitters at a glance

What are cocktail bitters?

Cocktail bitters are alcoholic seasonings used to flavor cocktails. They were an integral part of mixed drinks from the early years of cocktails. They owe their name to their varyingly intense and bitter taste.

Comeback of the seasoning ingredient

Due to the return to classic cocktails on the one hand and the willingness to experiment of a new generation of bartenders on the other hand, cocktail bitters are enjoying increasing popularity again. Over 20 different varieties are now available in Germany again.

Tinctures and aromatic bitters

When it comes to cocktail bitters, a distinction is made between tinctures, in which the flavor of a single ingredient is in the foreground, and the so-called aromatic bitters, in which a complex aroma composition is made from several components.

A big secret - ingredients and flavors

The producers of cocktail bitters keep the exact recipes and ingredients under lock and key. Ultimately, the aroma arises from a mixture of spices, fruits, roots and herbs.

Usage – one dash is enough

Cocktail bitters usually have an intense flavor and are therefore only used in dashes.

Angostura and Peychauds

The two most well-known cocktail bitters were each developed by medical professionals and originally as a remedy in the first half of the 19th century.

Manufacturer of cocktail bitters from our product range

  • The Bitter Truth
  • The Fee Brothers
  • Angostura
  • Hemmeter
  • Peychauds
  • Dr. Adam Elmegirab

Well-known cocktails using bitters

Sazerac, Cosmopolitan, Old Fashioned, Dry Martini Cocktail, Rob Roy, Bloody Mary, Manhattan Cocktail

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